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    Gold Mining

      在全球通货膨胀压力加大,国际宏观经济形势重大多变的大配景下,黄金作为最主要的避险资产和权衡信用钱币价值工具,其主要性获得了各国政府和市场投资者的高度重视。玉龙股份以收购NQM取得帕金戈金矿项目为契机,加速切入黄金“赛道”的法式。2022 12 月 ,标的资产已过户挂号至子公司玉润黄金名下,帕金戈金矿纳入公司合并报表规模。在境内,公司探索“上市+PE”的并购模式,施展国有配景优势,加入整合海内黄金矿业资源;在境外,公司设立全资子公司玉润黄金、玉鑫控股等平台,依托外洋矿业团队开拓跨国并购营业。

    In light of the increasing global inflation and complicated international macroeconomic situation, gold, as the most important safe-haven asset and a tool to measure the value of credit currency, has been highly valued by governments and market investors all over the world. Yulong Gold took the opportunity of taking ownership of NQM/Pajingo Gold Mine to increase its stake in the gold industry. In December 2022, the shares in NQM were officially transferred to Yurain Gold (Yulong’s subsidiary) and Pajingo Project has been included in Yulong’s consolidated financial reporting. In China, the company has explored the M&A mode of “listing company+PE”, utilizing its advantageous SOE background to integrate its domestic gold mining assets.; Overseas, the company has set up wholly-owned subsidiaries including Yurain Gold and Yuxin Holdings to develop cross-border M&A business relying on overseas mining teams.



    Pajingo project is located in Queensland, East Coast of  Australia, about 90km from Charters Towers and 134km from Townsville. It is well known for its  epithermal deposits. The ore is easy to grind and process, and the historical mill grade is above 95%. It has 18 near-surface gold ore bodies, 29 deep gold ore bodies and 3 open-pit gold ore bodies. Pajingo Gold Mine covers a tenement package of 2746.75 square kilometers, among which the mining right area covers  62.57 square kilometers, accounting for 2.27% of the total area. It has JORC resources of 10.908 million tons, gold metal amount of 63.27 tons, grade 5.80 grams/ton, and the estimated remaining mining life is 11.30 years. There is great prospecting potential in the deep and periphery of Pajingo Gold Mine. With continuous exploration investment, its metal resources are expected to exceed 100 tons.

    ? 2021 Copyright Yu Long Gold Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 存案号:鲁ICP备2022006311号-1 手艺支持:强比科技
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